
21 2017

Come Build Jerusalem with Legos

9:30AM - 11:30AM  

The Reform Temple of Rockland 330 North Highland Ave
Nyack, NY , NY 10901

Contact Mara Lewin

We are building Jerusalem with 70,000 legos. This is the perfect activity for lego lovers of all ages. Bring the children,
parents, grandparents and friends. This prograam is led by Building Blocks Workshops which has led family programs all over the U.S. A facilitator will lead in the construction of a 400 sf LEGO model of the entire old city of Jerusalem including the walls, the gates, the Kotel,the Holy Temple, Davids Tower, the Montifiore Windmill and 80 buildings within the walls. Parents, grandparents and kids We need you as a team so come together and build together! For all ages! What a perfect way to begin the celebration of Yom Yerushalayim! We must all start together so we will be starting at 9:30 am sharp!