HVR FJMC invites you to participate in the Shabbat service at West Point Jewish Chapel on Friday night, July 22, 2016 at 7:00 PM. The service will be followed by a light dinner/oneg. We believe that it is important to show our support to the cadets and Jewish Chapel. We will meet the cadets, greet the new chaplain, and join in the service. Let’s continue to show the Jewish cadets our warmth and friendship. Everyone is invited. To help defray the costs we are asking for $12 per person or $30 maximum per family (1 or 2 parents + children). Please send a check payable to HVR FJMC to Andy Alper, 25-E Heritage Drive, New City, NY 10956. Please RSVP to Andy at alper5@optonline.net or 845-638-4634 no later than Monday, July 18. Everyone 16 years old and above must bring a form of picture ID in order to enter West Point. You will not be admitted without this. You must provide your own transportation, but if you offer to car pool or need a ride, please let us know. Additional details at www.hvrfjmc.org.
Sponsor: Hudson Valley Region of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs