
10 2014

It's My Life and My Choice, Right?

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

Temple Beth El 415 Viola Road
Spring Valley, NY

Contact Rochelle Welsh

What happens when conflicts arise between patient and physician, or patient and hospital, or patient and the law? Join the National Council of Jewish Women on September 10, 2014 when Mary Lou Dillon from Georgetown University will speak about Bioethics and who directs a patient’s care decisions.

Bioethics is the study of the application of technology to healthcare, and the challenges that arise. Just because something can be done, does that mean it should be done? This interactive presentation will examine making choices that challenge long held beliefs, ethics and faith.

The program will be held at 7:30 PM on September 10, 2014 at Temple Beth El, 415 Viola Road, Spring Valley. Free, open to the public, refreshments.

Sponsor: National Council of Jewish Women, Rockland Section