The Hudson Valley Region-Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (HVR-FJMC) is an organization of Conservative Jewish Men's Clubs in the Hudson Valley New York area. The International Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) consists of over 20,000 individuals across North America and the world. The FJMC involves Jewish men in Jewish life by building and strengthening Men's Clubs in the Conservative Movement.
The HVR-FJMC is dedicated to educating the community with information and vital resources relating to many health-related issues that affect our membership, as well as the entire Hudson Valley Region. This is why the Community Awareness Health Initiative Program (CAHIP) was developed in 2019 by key health professionals and lay persons in our organization. In December 2020, the HVR-FJMC dedicated and renamed the CAHIP “The Bart Bookman Community Education Program.”
The HVR-FJMC will be hosting our next community education presentation titled “Prostate Cancer: Diagnoses and Treatment Options,” with Dr. Jonathan Lischalk, MD, Medical Director of the NYU CyberKnife Center at the Perlmutter Cancer Center in Manhattan and Director of Research for the NYU-LI Department of Radiology Oncology. This will be a virtual Zoom presentation on Thursday evening, August 19th from 7:00pm to 8:30pm EST. The session will include power point slide presentations followed by a question-and-answer period.
This presentation is free and open to the public. Please promote this presentation to anyone you feel may be interested in the topic or just want to learn more about prostate cancer: diagnoses and treatment. People must pre-register to attend this Zoom presentation by contacting Hal K. Marcus at: 914-443-7202 or For additional information, please call Hal Marcus at (914) 443-7202.
A flyer may be found at
Sponsor: The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs - Hudson Valley Region (FJMC-HVR) - The Bart Bookman Community Education Program