Featuring Sally Zaifman-Kagan, RN, BSN, Community Educator with The Alzheimer's Association of Hudson Valley. Formed in 1980, the Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. Ms. Zaifman-Kagan will be introduced by Theresa M. Aguilera, MSW, is a Community Engagement Manager, Diversity Specialist with the Alzheimer’s Association of the Hudson Valley Chapter.
This presentation is free and open to the entire community. To register for this virtual Zoom Presentation, send your Name, E-mail Address and Phone Number to Hal K. Marcus: Hmarc57@yahoo.com, or call (914) 443-7202. The Web link for the “Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia” presentation will be sent to you
when your registration is received.
A copy of the flyer may be found at HVRFJMC.org.
Sponsor: The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs - Hudson Valley Region (FJMC-HVR) - The Bart Bookman Community Education Program