Explore Spain’s rich Jewish culture through dance and music at the La Yave d’Espanya fundraiser at Beth Am Temple on Sunday, January 19 at 2 pm. The family-friendly program will include a brief explanation of the program, live performances of Flamenco and Spanish dance, and Jewish-influenced music and ballads plus light refreshments. Tickets for the 90-minute event cost $10 per person and $20 per family and can be reserved at annadelapaz@hotmail.com. The rain/snow date is Sunday, February 2 at 2 pm.
Beth Am Temple is a reform temple, which embraces tradition and draws its congregation from throughout Rockland County, NY and northern Bergen County, NJ. It is located on the NY/NJ border at 60 East Madison Ave in Pearl River, NY. Learn more online at Beth Am Temple (www.bethamtemple.org).