6 PM VIP cocktail reception
7 PM dinner and program
Event Chairs: Bonnie Werk, Lisa Price and Lisa Green
Event Committee: Renee Exelbert, Beth Fishman, Hillary Hazan-Glass, Amy Kanarek, Jill Post, Harriet Spevack, Paulette Viana, Marilyn Wechsler
Life Vest Inside shot to national attention when Orly’s film “Kindness Boomerang - One Day” went viral on YouTube. To date more than 23 million people worldwide have viewed her inspirational video. The magic that Orly spreads is undeniable. If you are lucky enough to encounter Orly, she will most likely be making a chalk walk of inspiration in Times Square or giving out her famed Acts of Kindness Cards on the subway. And as Orly’s kindness mob grows by the thousands, more people are experiencing the addictiveness in the giving of kindness.
Kindness Keys
Federation strives to unite our community with acts of kindness and has developed Kindness Key necklaces to symbolize the power that those acts have on all of us. Each of Federation’s Kindness Keys is stamped with “B Kind.” Their purpose is to inspire kindness in ourselves and those around us. Wear your Kindness Key necklace with pride to motivate and touch others, pass it along when you see someone embodying its message to “be kind,” then share your story with us through videos or pictures featuring someone wearing their necklace so we can spread the word to our whole community.
Each person who purchases their auction tickets in advance will be entered into a drawing to win a Kindness Key necklace. They will also be available for sale at the auction table so you can wear yours right away.
Gold Sponors:
Silver Sponsors:
Bronze Sponsors:
The Cohn and Koenig Families, Orli and Mark Irgang, Denise and Adam Lipson, and Rifkin and Company