
14 2018

Free Intro to Judaism Course Registration Open

9:00AM - 5:00PM  

Beth Am Temple 60 East Madison Avenue
Pearl River, NY 10965

Contact Rabbi Daniel Pernick
845-735-5858 x 102

$ Cost $ 216.00

Beth Am Temple will offer an “Introduction to Judaism class,” for Jews and non-Jews, beginning on Monday, March 5. The free course will be held on Mondays from 7:45 pm to 9:15 pm and run for 15 weeks. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, the typical fee for each participant has been eliminated.

Taught primarily by Rabbi Daniel Pernick of Beth Am Temple, the course will focus on Jewish holidays, life-cycle observances, beliefs, traditions and related topics. The class presents a learning opportunity for a comprehensive overview of Judaism for people in interfaith relationships, planning to marry a Jewish person or preparing to maintain a Jewish home. For those considering conversion, the four-month course will also fulfill a requirement for many rabbis.

The only cost for participants is the purchase of a hardcover Tanakh, the Jewish Bible, which can be bought at Beth Am for $36. Pre-registration for the course is required. To register or request additional information, email rabbidan2018@gmail.com. Light refreshments will be provided during each session.

Beth Am Temple is a Reform Jewish temple, which embraces tradition and draws its congregation from throughout Rockland County and northern Bergen County, NJ. It is located at 60 East Madison Ave in Pearl River, NY. Its website is www.bethamtemple.org.