Parent Classes led by Educational Director Lynne Diwinsky during Hebrew School hours.
October 5th -- Succot/Simchat Torah: How are they Connected? Do I have room for a Sukkah?
November 23rd - Rosh Chodesh (Festival of the Moon): The Women's Holiday!
December 14th -- Chanukah : Those Eight Crazy Nights! What can we add to make it more festive?
January 11th -- Shabbat: The once a week holiday that needs no introduction. Or does it?
March 1st -- Megillah, Masks, Groggers, and Three Mitzvot that are so easy to do
March 22nd -- The Seder -- Imagine the Possibilities!
May 24th -- Shavuot -- What's it all about Moishe? A major holiday that needs advocacy.