
26 2013

Teen Lunch and Learn on Shabbat at NCJC

11:30AM - 1:00PM  

New City Jewish Center 47 Old Schoolhouse Road
New City, NY 10956
845-638-9600 ncjc@newcityjc.org


Do you have opinions? Do you enjoy debating? Does it bother you that you never get answers to difficult questions? Then you should come for the first NCJC USY Lunch and Learn for kids in 8th - 12th Grade Shabbat morning January 26th, 2013 11:30am - 1:00pm NCJC Library Eat a deli lunch, learn together and then hangout with other teens in our new Youth Lounge. Click here to RSVP so we make sure we have enough food Questions, comments or concerns? Please call Rabbi Ruberg at 845-638-9600 x110 or email rabbiruberg@newcityjc.org