
30 2024

What Can the Torah Tell Us About Mental Health?

3:00PM - 4:00PM  

CSI 300 North Broadway
Upper Nyack, NY 10960
8453583767 office@csinyack.org

Contact Francine Racine

Join our rabbinic intern, Zachary Bernstein, for an exploration of Mental Health in the Tanach!
Many of us struggle with mental health, or care about others who do. But we aren't alone- some of our Biblical heroes also struggled with their mental health. Together we will study five Biblical characters and their mental health.
October 30 Samson and Antisocial Personality Disorder, December 4, Saul and Bipolar disorder, December 11 Ezekiel and
Schizophrenia. CSI Library
For security purposes you MUST RSVP to office@csinyack.org

Sponsor: Congregation Sons of Israel