Rockland Synagogues Participate in Leadership Development Workshop
On December 18, the Federation’s Rockland Jewish Initiative welcomed synagogue consultant Linda Rich to speak on volunteer development. Linda is a specialist in leadership development and congregational effectiveness, and is an accredited executive coach. Over the course of the evening, Linda led a workshop with Rockland rabbis, synagogue presidents and leadership on a structured approach for identifying and developing committed, energized lay leaders. The program concluded with an invitation for synagogues to continue working with Linda through the Rockland Jewish Initiative’s Synagogue Transformation Grant.
The session was one of four workshops offered by RJI through the Synagogue Leadership Council. Upcoming workshops include How to Create a Social Media Strategy (February 27) and Alternative Models of Affiliation (May 15). Sessions are open to synagogue leadership. Visit RJI's web page for more information on the Rockland Jewish Initiative and the Synagogue Leadership Council.
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