Have you ever noticed that people seem to be more caring in December? Whether it’s holding a door open or giving a friendly smile, there’s something about getting ready to celebrate Hanukkah that makes us act a little kinder. We are getting in the spirit of giving as well. While many people think about giving presents during Hanukkah, why not think about giving tzedakah too?
Each night, as we light the candles of the menorah, we are illuminated with warmth both physically and emotionally...but not everyone is as fortunate. Maybe this year we focus on helping those in need by saying Ner Shel Tzedakah on one special night. We should also consider giving gelt on that special night, to brighten the lives of those in need.
When you give gelt to Federation, you are bringing light and warmth into Jewish lives here in our community and in over 60 countries around the world. Your gelt is bringing food and comfort to our elderly in the Ukraine and trauma counseling to families in Southern Israel. Your gelt is engaging young families here through PJ Library and providing the opportunity to connect to a synagogue with a new member grant provided by our Rockland Jewish Initiative. We are strategically responding to the growing challenges of our community and with your generosity, making our home and the global Jewish world a better place.
So this Hanukkah, give what gelt you can to Federation. After you light candles each night, check our Facebook page to see where in the world your gelt is going. It will brighten your holiday to see how far it goes. And when you give by December 31, your gift is tax deductible.
Give generously; you may be surprised how much you get in return from helping your Jewish community!
Together with my co-president, Rob Grosser, we wish you a chag sameach.
— Andrea Weinberger, Co-President
Jewish Federation of Rockland County
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