JCC Rockland recently introduced a Teen Leadership Initiative (TLI), to provide a select group of teens with the training and tools they need to become successful young Jewish community leaders. The program was made possible by a grant from the Jewish Federation of Rockland County.
Since TLI began in December 2013, fifteen 10th and 11th graders have been meeting monthly to attend presentations from leadership and fundraising experts. Each teen also donated $180 of his or her own money that was matched by the program, and the participants are deciding as a group how to allocate the funds to Jewish charities.
According to JCC Rockland’s Chief Operating Officer, Eliza Millman, “Like many JCCs throughout the U.S. we are challenged to find ways to attract and retain teens, who sometimes disengage from the Jewish community after their b’nai mitzvahs are behind them. We designed the TLI program to counter this trend, and I think the participants havefound it to be a very positive experience.”
Rockland teenagers who will be in 10th and 11th grades during the 2014-2015 school year are welcome to apply for next year’s TLI program. For more information please contact Jane Sherwood, MSW, Teen Coordinator at 845-362-4400 ext. 179 or e-mail janes@jccrockland.org
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