Rockland Federation sponsors successful outreach event at Karma in Nyack
Last Saturday night, dozens in Rockland’s Jewish community attended Federation’s first community outreach event, which was held at Karma lounge in downtown Nyack.
Lara Epstein, Rockland Federation’s Director of Community Engagement, coordinated the event and was pleased with the turn out. “We all got babysitters and bared the icy weather to hang out together and bond as members of our Jewish community,” says Epstein.
Rachel Adler from the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey was invited to speak at the event. Adler (who serves as a Co-Vice President for Women's Philanthropy with the Northern NJ Federation) spoke to the group at Karma about the importance – and the rewards – of Jewish communal involvement.
In total nearly 60 people attended the event at Karma, to relax and socialize with friends old and new. Food, drink and conversation were plentiful and at the end of the night, attendees left hoping that another social event for adults would be on Federation’s calendar soon.
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