Wow, it’s Pesach already. I can’t believe I’ve been in America this long!
Back in Israel there is anxiety in the air; people are rushing and trying to make the
Seder a magical evening, because it is just that – MAGICAL. A time for family and Jewish jokes!
In last year’s Seder, I knew I was going to be a Shlicha, but I didn’t know where. There were so many uncertainties in my life at that time. And, as this holiday is one of the biggest that we have, all my family was there. I remember my dad made a toast for me, wishing me a year of greatness. He then said how this time next year it will all be calm and known, no more questions.
Boy, was he wrong...
Last month came my time to decide if I’m staying in Rockland for a second year. You can imagine my anxiety!
Can I really do that? Is that the right thing for me and for Rockland?
The Jewish tradition asks us to remember our triumphs, and also our failures. Why? I think it’s to learn from it, to be better; as a nation, as individuals.
So when it was time to make a choice I remembered I want to be better, try harder, do more. I do miss home, but I want to spend more time in this amazing Jewish bubble... Rockland.
When I have my Seder with my family in Israel, we sing the Hagada in a traditional Yemenite ‘Nigun’ music.
This year, I will do it here in America... and next year as well. I’m happy to say I’m staying for a second year!
Now that I made my decision, I feel free as the Israelites in the exodus!
Pesach is almost here. Time to drink a lot of wine (at least 4 glasses!) and celebrate our victory over pharaoh; the beginning of our journey to our Promised Land and my only land – Israel.
Happy Passover!
— Timna Mekaiten, Community Shlicha
Jewish Federation of Rockland County
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