Posts by Ari Rosenblum

Strange Days

One of John Lennon’s last songs, left unfinished and released after his death, was ‘Nobody Told Me’. One line in the first stanza has stayed with me since I was a teenager.

Nobody told me there’d be days like these, Strange days indeed, most peculiar mama!

We’ve all felt the trut…

Rise Up

Though I rarely share thoughts on the weekly Torah portion, I thought that this week was an interesting opportunity to draw pertinent and relevant conclusions from the fascinating narrative.

In this portion, the Moabite King Balak hires the prophet and soothsayer Bilam to curse the people …

The next generation

In several weeks, we’ll be traveling to Israel on a Unity mission, and we invite you to join us. You can find more information and register HERE.

One of the important elements of our mission will be visiting IDF soldiers recovering from serious wounds at Tel Hashomer hospital. I’d like …

Cultivating Peace

Yesterday, we celebrated the 248th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. It gave me reason to consider that like many, if not most countries, the US was conceived in war. That has been the human condition throughout most of history - as Douglas Murray reminds us in his incredible a…


You’ve probably seen it in a photo or been there. The Hotel de Ville in Paris. Right next to the Seine River on the right bank. You know the famous post-war photo ‘Le baiser de l'Hôtel de Ville’ by Robert Doisneau? It was up on my wall when I was in university, as it was for many Gen …

Art Imitates Life

I’ve got a number of responsibilities at the Federation. Among them is reaching out to members of other vulnerable and minority communities to enhance relationships between us. In the past, I’ve spoken out to console members of the African American community after the terrible mass shoot…

A People That Dwells Alone

Like many if not all of you, I was overcome with joy when I heard last weekend of the rescue of four Israeli hostages from captivity by Hamas and its ‘civilian’ accomplices in the Nuseirat district of Gaza. Though several dozen Israelis remain in the hands of their brutal captors, this w…

They’ve Had Our Back

Last year at about this time, I wrote about how, if the love and respect many of us have that informs our support of our friends in the LGBTQ+ community didn’t immediately resonate, that support could also be seen through another prism, of Jewish values espoused by Rabbi Akiva explaining t…

Land of Confusion

As a member of Generation X, my brain is hardwired to generate pop culture references from the 1980’s when I grew up. In 1986, the British band Genesis released a great album titled Invisible Touch. One of the best songs on that album was Land of Confusion. One of the lyrics was “There 

You Have A Voice

Today, the International Court of Justice will render a response to a request from the murderer-coddling representatives of South Africa to demand Israel stop its operations in Gaza. As I wrote this message yesterday, I don't know for certain how their decision will go. But I have a sense th…

Looking Inward, Looking Forward.

A concern has been growing on my mind and the minds of a number of us for some time now. Though we at Federation have strived to bring meaningful programming and opportunities to actively engage in supporting Israel and the Jewish people, there has been a continuing diminishing of participat…

The New Guard

A few days ago, I was spending some time with my elder children, who were visiting from Canada. Later in the evening we sat down to watch a movie - The Old Guard - starring Charlize Theron as an immortal who becomes tired of trying to save the world from itself again and again, until she is …

Left and Right

And the water was for them as a wall, from their right and their left.

Exodus-Shemot 14:29

On these latter days of Pesach, tradition tells us that the Children of Israel approached the Reed Sea, pursued by the might of the Egyptian Empire. Of course, the miracle of the splitting of the sea…

He Who Neither Slumbers nor Sleeps

Many of us head into the first days of Pesach having spent the previous couple of weeks cleaning and preparing. We are drained, exhausted.

When I was about 12, our family was in the kosher food business, and we had just opened a second location a few months before Pesach. It was always a b…

Thank you, Thank you very much…

You may have noticed that sometimes my message titles have pop culture references. Today I am referencing, of course, Elvis Presley. I reference him because even though he was omnipresent while he was alive and a fixture in popular music, his influence still remains, in many ways still infor…