In the spirit of Yom Ha'Atzmaut architect Stephen Schwartz of Building Blocks Workshop LLC is returning to JCC Rockland for another fantastic experience with Legos. Join us as we build Jerusalem one lego at a time. The Old City of Jerusalem comes alive on a 20 foot by 20 foot drawing with the Walls, the 8 gate city, the Kotel, King David's Tower, the Beit Hamikdash and all other important elements. Participants are encouraged to use their imagination and name each gate, the name of the various living quarters for each group. At the end each team is asked to speak about their respective contribution to the project. This two hour family building event will use over 50,000 Lego building blocks. This fun and creative experience will be one to last a lifetime. Each participant will receive a certificate of participation. Open to only 45 families. Great for youth, teens and adults ages 6+. Family fee includes up to five (5) immediate family members.