Jewish Voices, Jewish Lives

It’s what we do every day. Whether it’s the food we favor…a bagel with shmear… or the drive to repair the world…tikkun olam, we Jews are there, especially in Rockland County. We plan to bring Doing Jewish to you every Friday. Sometimes it’ll be fun, sometimes it’ll be serious.

The cost of disunity.

Sometimes our tradition makes clear to us that there is an intersection between the actions of the Jewish people and the events that befall them. Most often, these can be seen in the biblical or prophetic descriptions of reward or punishment, of transgression and result. The inference of…

Rockland Community Security Initiative Unveiled.

As we shared earlier this month, we have been preparing to roll out our Community Security Initiative, and yesterday, we were pleased to announce that Rockland’s Jewish Community is the first of over 145 Jewish Federations and communities across North America to create a new security infra…

Making an Impact.

As you may have heard or seen, last Saturday night four young adults attacked several Jewish pedestrians with bb guns, eggs and other projectiles in Ramapo. With tremendous thanks to law enforcement, including Chief Reilly, Sheriff Falco and their dedicated investigators, the perpetrators…

Meeting Our Community's Needs.

Since I joined Federation at the end of 2021, I've reached out to speak with many members of our community, to hear what their priorities and concerns are for Jewish life in Rockland. As well, many of you participated in our community survey in May, asking similar questions. With clarity, I…

Share your thoughts.

Over the summer, we will be transitioning to a new model, incorporating alternative content including video, infographics, and more. And we'd like to hear from you, both about what you'd like to see and if you'd like to share content.