Jewish Voices, Jewish Lives

It’s what we do every day. Whether it’s the food we favor…a bagel with shmear… or the drive to repair the world…tikkun olam, we Jews are there, especially in Rockland County. We plan to bring Doing Jewish to you every Friday. Sometimes it’ll be fun, sometimes it’ll be serious.

Rabbi Craig Scheff D'var Torah

Catching your breath...not so easy these days with all the distractions and distress around us. Listen to Rabbi Craig Scheff's words about this week's Torah portion and looking for reasons for hope even during the times we're living in.

Rabbi Paul Kurland D'var Torah

The Torah tells us that when Jacob went down to Egypt, he planted trees along the way. Rabbi Kurland tells you why it’s a metaphor for the importance of supporting the Jewish community. Will you do your part supporting the Jewish community through Federation? Donate here.


Watergen signs deal with UAE’s Al Dhara to sell ‘water-from-air’ units to region Partnership with Abu Dhabi-based multinational will target agriculture sector, offices and apartment buildings, hotels and industrial plants, Watergen says.

Smoky Pumpkin Soup with Nut Cream

This will be a Thanksgiving like no other. Why not try a new recipe you’ve never tried before…like this Smoked Pumpkin Soup from Jessica Trokel, executive director at New City Jewish Center. She says it’s a family favorite. Let us know if it becomes a family favorite of yours, too!…

Rabbi Sharff's D'var Torah

Chayei Sarah: lessons we can learn from the life and death of Sarah in the time of pandemic.