Jewish Voices, Jewish Lives

It’s what we do every day. Whether it’s the food we favor…a bagel with shmear… or the drive to repair the world…tikkun olam, we Jews are there, especially in Rockland County. We plan to bring Doing Jewish to you every Friday. Sometimes it’ll be fun, sometimes it’ll be serious.

Join Us

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to speak with emerging leaders from many non profit organizations around Rockland. As I spoke about how the Jewish community is dealing with the shock and distress of October 7th, I asked how many of them had reached out to a Jewish friend in the aftermath, ju…

Hell is Empty, and all the Devils are Here

As our plane approached the coast of Israel, we turned north, and unlike the many times I have landed in Israel, we approached the airport from due north, descending rapidly, maneuvering to present the smallest and quickest profile to avoid incoming rockets from Gaza. Even before we landed, …

Face your Fear

Are your kids or grandkids reporting hate, harassment, and violent rallies on their campuses? Justifications for Hamas’ butchery, murder, rape and torture? Don’t be shocked. Academics have been trafficking in these tropes for decades on American and European campuses. Franz Fanon advocat…


The world, our Jewish world, has changed. We are engulfed in tragedy and in anxiety. We are looking around, and we don't see as many friends as we had thought and hoped to have. Our students run gauntlets of pro terror groups at universities, and the presidents of the most prestigious of the…

The Abyss

This week, we stared into the abyss. And it stared back at us.

I’ve tried to articulate my thoughts several times, in social media posts, speeches, conversations. I can’t say I feel I have entirely succeeded.

I’ll start with my own ‘conceptzia’, that clearly was misguided. Severa…