Jewish Voices, Jewish Lives

It’s what we do every day. Whether it’s the food we favor…a bagel with shmear… or the drive to repair the world…tikkun olam, we Jews are there, especially in Rockland County. We plan to bring Doing Jewish to you every Friday. Sometimes it’ll be fun, sometimes it’ll be serious.

A New Year’s Resolution

Some of the recent disturbing polling data about how Jews are perceived in the US put me in mind of two conversations I had recently, where the person I was talking to had something negative to say about other Jews. One of them was a now completely secular Jew who grew up in a mainstream non…

Challenging our assumptions and ourselves

Earlier this week, I had a wonderful opportunity to speak with a Pastor at one of Spring Valley’s many churches serving the local community. He had several questions about the intersection of Jewish history, Jewish tradition, and Jewish law, and I was glad to be able to assist him. The Pas…

Sometimes you have to speak out

I have an important message this week. I want to share it not because of a political, religious or social agenda, but rather because the times and circumstances demand it.

There is no excuse - not political, not religious, not social, and not to score more followers and likes - for anyone, …

Choosing Who You Want To Be

Imagine you are on your way, with your family, to a long awaited and much needed vacation. You’ve left the pressures of work behind, and you are waiting for your flight to somewhere sunny and warm. And then you hear that your flight is delayed, without much more info than that. You look ar…

The Privilege of Chanukah

On Wednesday evening, I was honored to take part in a commemoration of the antisemitic attack that took place in Monsey three years ago, injuring five and taking the life of Rabbi Joseph Neumann. Today I’m sharing some of the thoughts I spoke about, and combining them with a broader messag…