Jewish Voices, Jewish Lives

It’s what we do every day. Whether it’s the food we favor…a bagel with shmear… or the drive to repair the world…tikkun olam, we Jews are there, especially in Rockland County. We plan to bring Doing Jewish to you every Friday. Sometimes it’ll be fun, sometimes it’ll be serious.

The Nature of Service

At the end of November, our Director of Community and Donor Relations, Yossi Hertz, began a month-long stay in Israel. He spent several days working remotely, but the rest of the month he will spend doing miluim, reserve duty with his unit in the IDF’s Pikud HaOref, or Home Front Command. …

The Lessons We Need to Learn

When I was about 11 years old, my brother and I encountered a trio of 17-18 year olds one night on our way home from school who grabbed our kippot from our heads and pushed us around. The words they yelled at me I had read, but I had never heard directed at me. And the feeling of helplessnes…

Giving Thanks

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families. We are truly blessed to be able to celebrate. One important precept of our Jewish tradition is to be thankful and to express that gratitude, whether it is to the Almighty or to our friends and neighbors. We use the term 'ha…

A tour of Federation’s local partners and some of their great programs.

Lillian’s Café, organized and run through Rockland Jewish Family Service, is a unique program designed to employ individuals on the Autism Spectrum. It provides job training and real work experience to enhance the strengths and potential of each employee - who hold themselves to the highe…


Dustin Hausner is a member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Rockland, as well as a member of our Community Relations Committee. We share Dustin's thoughts in the aftermath of this week’s election. On Tuesday, many of us exercised our civic duty for our country…